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Corby Castle Estate: A Historic Sporting Haven in Cumbria's Magnificent Countryside
One of the finest sporting Estates in Cumbria centred around a magnificent Grade I listed Castle.Read more
Experience Timeless Elegance at Blanerne House: A Luxurious Country Manor in the Heart of Scottish Borders
The ‘Seclusion and Magic of Blanerne’ cannot be depicted by drawings, paintings or other art forms nor portrayed in Words. One must experience it for oneself!Blanerne House is a handsome B-Listed country house situated in some of the prettiest countryside in the Scottish Borders. This nine...Read more
Newliston Estate: A Historic Georgian Gem on Scotland's Urban Fringe
Hidden Georgian gem gloriously positioned in a designed landscape on the outskirts of Scotland’s capital cityRead more
Chyknell Hall Estate: A Secluded Retreat in Shropshire's Countryside
Chyknell Hall Estate: 201-acre private sanctuary with historic charm, modern luxuries, and breathtaking Shropshire views.Read more
Ormiston Castle: Elegance, Refinement, and Serenity
An original Scottish B listed detached baronial house of classic Scottish architecture, steeped in history and charm. It has been stripped back and fully refurbished whilst maintaining a wealth of period features.Read more
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